Webcyst. 'cyst' found in translations in Spanish-English dictionary. This allows your doctor to watch for changes in the cyst. Esto le permite a su médico observar los cambios en el … Web1. (technical) (medicine) a. el quiste ovárico. (M) (technical) Andrea was rushed to hospital in pain. She was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst.A Andrea la llevaron de urgencia al hospital porque estaba dolorida. Le diagnosticaron un quiste ovárico.
Cyst in Sundanese - Translate.com
WebWe are committed to providing accurate and reliable health information for our readers who speak Spanish. The list below contains links to articles and other resources on the OrthoInfo website that have been translated. Translations can also be found by using the "español" filter in the left navigation of the four main content areas on the ... WebMagnetic resonance imaging revealed a cyst compressing the pituitary gland.: Une imagerie par résonance magnétique montre un kyste comprimant l'hypophyse.: The authors report two cases of aneurysmal mandibular cyst.: Les auteurs rapportent 2 cas de kyste anévrysmal de la mandibule.: A chronic mass in younger patients suggests a cyst.: Une … bissell powerlifter rewind filter
OrthoInfo Spanish Translations - OrthoInfo - AAOS
WebTranslations in context of "cysts, to grow" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease? Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) causes a lot of fluid-filled sacs, called cysts, to grow in your kidneys. Webcyst translate: 囊腫. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. WebThe lump is a cyst that contains watery fluid. El quiste se puede formar en cualquier parte del cuerpo. The cyst can be formed in any part of the body. Usar una aguja para extraer el líquido de un quiste. Use a needle to draw fluid out of a cyst. Un ultrasonido puede determinar si una protuberancia es un quiste. bissell powerlifter plus parts